Can You Make Hair for Me

Posted by on Feb 25, 2020 in BlogBog

Exhibition at the Marran Gallery at Lesley University

34 Mellen Street Cambridge

April 1-14. 2020

Opening Reception and Artist’s Talk April 1

Marran Theatre 5:30-8 pm

You’re invited to join me at the Marran Gallery, April 1 for an exhibition and gallery talk

During 2018–19 I developed cancer, specifically lymphoma. When I lost my hair, I lost my identity. As an artist I was stifled. I was immune compromised and I couldn’t leave the house, I was receiving chemotherapy, then a stem cell transplant, then a I had an idea: people wanted to know how they could help me, why not give them a project? I asked friends and family to make hair for me which I could then style and photograph and share on social media. Today I have over 50 heads and am hoping to reach 100. The goal of the project is to bring joy and levity to those going through chemotherapy.

Find the project on instagram or the website, or on Facebook at

A collaborative art project by MFA student Eileen Powers. in this exhibition, hair and headpieces created by expressive arts therapy Lesley graduate students for powers are exhibited alongside her photographs.